September 30, 2007

converstation with my father...

I was talking with my father recently about what exactly I was doing on the Eastern seaboard with no job and a pithy 14 units in school.  The dialogue went something like this:

POPPABLOGGER: So, what have you been doing?  No job or internship this semester, fourteen credits--

ELBLOGGER: Six classes.

PB: Yeah, fourteen credits... so what exactly do you do?

ELB: Well, I've been getting really involved in school.  I'm on a few advisory boards, I'm part of a few clubs at school, I've been involved in my fraternity....

PB: Right.  Anything else?

ELB: I'm getting kind of intense on looking for a job.  Going to information sessions, career fairs, mock interviews, and networking.

PB: ....

ELB: What?  It's a full-time job looking for a job!!


I don't know what was so funny.  I was being serious.  He laughed for like, a full minute, too.

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