September 22, 2007

being a student forever...

I've decided that I'm going to put my life on a new plan:

I'm going to be a student forever.

I'll have my B.S. in May.  After that, I think the only natural progression is to an M.S. or an M.A.  That should take about two or three years.  Then, I'll go for a Ph.D.  That should take another three.  I'll decide I want to be a doctor then, and go get my M.D.  That'll take another four (let's be optimistic).  I'll go to law school, get my J.D., take another three years.  

I figure that if I can run from student loans so long as I'm a matriculated student, then there's no harm in getting myself into hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt.

I'll have five degrees.  And I'll be thirty-five.  Entry Level Blogger, BS, MA, PhD, MD, Esq.

Not nearly old enough to die.

I hear in Europe and England they have all sort of initials for higher education.  Maybe I can extend this idea over there....

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