October 1, 2007


Logging onto our career services web program today, I was greeted by the following two words in multiple boxes regarding my acceptance (or lack thereof) into interviewing for two big-name companies on our campus:


Needless to say, my heart cracked slightly at the sight of those two words.  

Why did they have to put it in such tones of rejection?  "Not invited."  Couldn't they have said something like, "Not selected, would you please consider applying in the future?" or at least something nicer?  "Not invited."  Like it's an exclusive party that I'm just not cool enough to get into.  "Not invited."  I know the last time I felt like this: it was when Greg my down-the-street neighbor had his birthday party in the fourth grade because I started hanging out wiht girls because they played handball and I played handball and I didn't think that was weird, and he and his friends thought it was a little strange because they liked playing football a lot more, but it wasn't really my fault that I'd rather get out my young aggression by smacking balls against walls than playing some pansy-ass touch version of a game where you should be tackling your oppenent and making them pray for mercy.  "Not invited."  It's like being rejected from prom from all of the girls in the school.  "Not invited."  Like the last time I called up some old friends to see if they wanted to rekindle the flames of amicability but instead they brushed me off saying that they had better things to do with their investment banker friends, who are a lot cooler than me because they make more money and get tables at clubs, which, by the way, I probably don't have the right kind of trendy clothes to get into anyway.  "Not invited."  I felt like maybe if I had put a fancy font on my resume they might have thought, "Well, he's cool enough to let into this soiree, let's bring him in," but instead they just said: "Not invited."  

It's funny how just those two days could turn my day upside-down on its head, because until then I was actually feeling pretty accepted by the world in which I live.  I still feel good about myself for the most part, but to not be invited based on a few lousy criteria and not on my actual ability... I tell you, I'd bring ten times the personality, audacity, and panache than any of the candidates who did get invited to these human resources conversations.
Not invited.

Fine.  I'll throw my own party.

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