October 5, 2007



I have an interview!

In fact, I have three.  Glory, glory, hallelujah.  Despite our differences, on-campus recruitment and I have made a breakthrough in our relationship, and it feels pretty good.  Do I still hate our OCS?  Yes, but they have some redeeming qualities.  It's like that friend that gets annoying if you hang out with them for more than three hours.  "Small-dose friends," I call them.  And that's exactly what OCS is.

The point is that we have some headway.  I've already lamented about the diappointment of the words "not invited," but I have just experienced the elation of the words "invited," and the pleasure in scheduling not one, not two, but three interview times for three companies that I might sort-of one day perhaps depends-how-desperate-I-am consider working for when I graduate.

Anyway, I have one Wednesday the 10th and two on Monday the 15th.  The down side?  I have to wear a suit.  Small price to pay, I say.

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